Sunday, December 6, 2015

What is Japanese Encephalitis?

Japanese Encephalitis Virus

  • Arbovirus transmitted through mosquitoes and vertebrate hosts
  • Related to the West Nile and St. Louis viruses
  • Symptoms
    • Encephalitis
    • Severe Headaches
    • Comas
    • Tremors & Convulsions
  • 25% of cases are fatal
  • 50% that survive have permanent brain damage
  • One of the leading vaccine preventable diseases in the world

Worst Case Scenario

ISIS has attacked the United States with a biological weapon: mosquitoes infected with JEV! This has caused a mass outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis that has infected the whole country. JEV is only prevalent in Asia and Western Pacific countries so no one in the U.S. thinks about getting vaccinated for it. Since there is no treatment for the disease, 25% of the country will be dead, 37.5% of the country will have permanent brain damage and 37.5% will be the lucky ones that come out unscathed. Our goal for this project is to increase awareness of JEV because this situation could happen at anytime.

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